If you are suffering from an abscess, severe decay or gum disease, you may choose to have a tooth extracted rather than proceed with any further treatment.
When do we recommend extraction?
Sometimes the only option is extraction. If you’re suffering from abscessing, severe decay or gum disease; we may recommend extracting your tooth. You may choose to have a tooth extracted rather than proceed with further treatment.
In most cases your Peak Dental Dentist will be able to carry out the extraction in an appointment at our clinic in Havelock North. In some situations where the extraction is more complex or difficult, we may refer you to an Oral Surgeon.
Do I need to have my tooth taken out?
Having your tooth removed should be an informed decision. Our Dentists will talk you through your options and associated costs, so you can choose the best way forward for you.
Book an appointment today and we will take a close look at your tooth and help you understand exactly what your problem is. If you do choose to have your tooth extracted; we’ll talk you through the next steps to help you look and feel your best going forward.
Do I need to replace my tooth after having it extracted?
It is ideal to put something into the space left by your extraction to stop your teeth from tipping and moving. If you decide to replace your tooth we can talk you through your options including an implant; partial denture or a bridge.