Peridontal Disease
If you have puffy, bleeding gums or you’re experiencing gum recession around your teeth; you may have gum disease.
What is gum disease?
Gum disease is a chronic infection. It occurs when gums shrink back from the tooth, taking a bit of bone with them. This dissolving away of the bone causes gum disease.
Gums can shrink back because of buildup on teeth. This buildup is caused by plaque which isn’t removed and is allowed to harden into tartar which can inflame gums.
If you are worried about gum disease, book an appointment to see one of our Dentists today. We can help you identify if you’re suffering from gum disease and build a treatment plan to keep it under control.
How do you prevent gum disease?
We recommend regular checkups and cleaning to prevent gum disease. Having your teeth regularly cleaned and descaled can help to prevent gum disease.
What should you do if you have gum disease?
If you have gum disease it is important to be proactive with regular cleaning and dental checkups. We recommend our patients with gum disease maintain a tight recall schedule with appointments every 3 to 4 months rather than every 6 to 12 months as with other patients.
Keeping teeth cleaned and well cared for can arrest gum disease and prevent its worsening. Without proactive treatment gum disease can lead to loosening and loss of teeth.